Dani Pedrosa punya ambisi besar untuk menyudahi performa buruknya saat MotoGP digelar di rumahnya, Barcelona. Apalagi di sirkuit tersebut jagoan Honda itu punya catatan bagus dengan selalu naik podium sejak 2005.
Walau baru berjalan satu seri, musim 2010 sudah meninggalkan kesan kurang baik buat Pedrosa dan tim Honda. Bermula dari sesi ujicoba musim dingin yang tak memberi hasil maksimal, pada balapan perdana di Qatar Pedrosa juga cuma bisa finis di posisi tujuh.
Akhir pekan ini Pedrosa punya ambisi besar untuk kembali ke jajaran atas pembalap MotoGP. Fakta bahwa balapan akan digelar di kampung halamannya sendiri, Spanyol, makin membuatnya optimistis. Apalagi Pedrosa selalu bisa naik podium di MotoGP Barcelona sejak tahun 2005.
"Kami tak menjalani start terbaik musim ini di Qatar, dan Jepang di mana kami tak bisa membalap karena masalah gunung berapi, tapi saya harap di jerez, dengan atmosfer yang selalu fantastis dan karakter sirkuitnya, situasinya bisa berbeda," sahut Pedrosa seperti dikutip dari MCN.
Dalam lima balapan terakhir di Jerez, Pedrosa berhasil menjadi juara di tahun 2005 dan 2008. Sementara di tahun 2006, 2007 dan 2009 dia finis di posisi kedua.
"Saya punya keinginan untuk membuat kemajuan sejak sesi latihan pertama - tak seperti Qatar di mana kami kesulitan di sepanjang akhir pekan itu. Itu akan membuat kami bisa melaju cepat sejak start," pungkas mantan juara dunia 125 dan 250 cc itu.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Ambisi Pedrosa Menjaga Tradisi Podiumnya
Labels: Info Motogp 2010, MotoGP 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Jelang MotoGP Barcelona

Rossi saat ini tidak dalam kondisi terbaiknya menyusul kecelakaan yang dia alami saat berlatih motorcross. Kejadian tersebut membuat sang juara dunia itu mengalami masalah pada bahunya.
Meski dapat libur tambahan setelah MotoGP Jepang diundur ke bulan Oktober, Rossi dikhawatirkan belum pulih benar saat balapan MotoGP Barcelona digelar akhir pekan ini, Minggu (2/5/2010) malam WIB.
"Ini lintasan yang bagus buat Yamaha dan juga Rossi. Sayangnya Rossi tak akan datang dalam kondisi terbaik menyusul kecelakaan yang dia alami saat berlatih motorcross. Kami masih harus melihat bagaimana pengaruhnya. Tapi kami harap dia akan baik-baik saja," ungkap tim manajer Rossi, Davide Brivio.
Selain berstatu juara bertahan musim lalu, Rossi punya catatan yang cukup bagus di Jerez. Kecuali di musim 2006 saat finis di posisi 14, sejak era 500 cc raihan terburuk Rossi adalah duduk di posisi empat di musim 2004.
Labels: Info Motogp 2010, MotoGP 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Best Motocycle Modification Suzuki Satria FU VS Honda Cs-1
Well now, the modification of CS-1 fib Honda Dino from Mojokerto East Java directly challenged Suzuki Satria FU had Agus from Palu Celebes. Both concepts are equally take the comic book character Spiderman. The difference is they choose different characters, only the red spider is only; Venom the evil spider. So exciting for ditandingin nih, who get the best rating? ...
Judgment modifications:
If judging modification, Honda CS-1's strong Dino madenya hand workmanship. From the front, customized engine cover made from steel plate material which formed sort cobwebs. In addition to make the cover, these nets create a standard middle. So no need to use the default standard motor side.
Others, modified with a touch of the hand was also performed on the exhaust pipe cover, spider shaped seat, mirror, and many others who made similar details of the net.
"This bike always appear very rarely in the contest and lose," proud Agus (* ototrend). Agus modification of existing strengths that ciamik dipengerjaan airbrushnya. Not only the body, but the two rims are also given the cobwebs with a white screen.
Other modifications all bolts replaced with monel bolts. Fit with the suspension and other components that have been dikromnya. Front disc also includes a unique model of heat release ngeblok without holes.
Labels: Best Motocycle Modification
Posted by Semua Ada at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Modifikasi Honda Vario CBS Tachno 2010
Labels: Best Motocycle Modification, Modifications Honda Vario 2010, Modifikasi Motor Honda
Posted by Semua Ada at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Modification Motocycle Honda Beat

Labels: Best Motocycle Modification, Modifications Honda Vario 2010, Modifikasi Motor Honda
Posted by Semua Ada at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Stoner to Ducati Apologize
Casey Stoner could give hope will dominate MotoGP in Qatar with the fastest performing three sessions before the race. But Stoner eventually finished and he did not apologize.
Before the race, Stoner was the first free practice to master, second and qualifications. But in the race, due to his own carelessness, penggeber Ducati fell on lap five and failed to finish.
In a race that was held at the Losail Circuit, Monday (12/4/2010) pm dawn that, Stoner, who sat on pole position but had lost their leader and then can take it anymore.
"My Motor ngadat at the start, so I'm not good enough to start the race. But I feel good and then could overtake some of the drivers," said Stoner, as quoted Ultimate Motor Cycling.
"When I was on the front, I started to find rhythm. But the front of the motor starts with problems in the long corners, so I decided to drive with more subtle and does not give much emphasis to the front tire with a full tank," he explained.
But the decision not to get too memforsir bike boomerang for Stoner. He falls in with the Ducati Desmosedici GP 10 of his and Stoner had to go home empty-handed.
"Seeing the telemetry, I is not giving enough weight to the front. So in my opinion, I should probably stick with initial style," the contrite young man from Australia.
"It's my fault and I apologize to the team because we have to look good all weekend and we came home with empty hands," Stoner continued.
Failure in Qatar, Stoner is not considered a disaster. Besides being a really neat bike show, also have a long season so his team can still improve things.
"This is not a disaster because we know we have improved motors in the part where we had difficulties, for example on the rear grip, and we are still a long journey," 2007 world champion finished it.
Labels: MotoGP 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 2:55 AM 0 comments
Disappointed in Racing Special Capirossi
Labels: MotoGP 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Best Qatar Hayden to Ducati Racing
Labels: MotoGP 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Sepang test results: 1st Rossi, stoner2 nd, Lorenzo 3rd, 4th & Pedrosa!

Labels: MotoGP 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Yamaha Fazer YS250

Labels: Yamaha 2010, Yamaha Sport 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 2:26 AM 0 comments
Test Suzuki gsxr 1000 k5
Labels: Suzuki Sport 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 2:20 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
MotoGP Pre-Season Preparation 2010 "Semakin Di Sepan " of New livery Fiat Yamaha Team

Labels: MotoGP 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 2:29 PM 0 comments
2010 Aprilia RSV 1000 R Motorcycle
Labels: Aprilia Sport 2010
Posted by Semua Ada at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Best Motocycle Yamaha Modification
Labels: Best Motocycle Modification, Modifikasi Motor Yamaha
Posted by Semua Ada at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Suzuki Smash Look Modification

Labels: Best Motocycle Modification
Posted by Semua Ada at 9:38 AM 0 comments